Thursday 21 February 2013

Evaluation of Studio Photography Project

Evaluation of Studio Photography Project

I think the studio photography project has been quite a difficult one to master, some bits iv'e found have been very enjoyable such as the glass photography i was very happy with the outcome and i'm pleased with my final image i have put forward for the final images. I think i have captured the colours well in this pictures of the glass mushroom and also captured the multi-coloured effect in the shadow as well. However in some of my other glass images i think i had the exposure slightly to bright, and this made the object merge in to the background more then id have liked.
Taking photos of the flowers i tried to carry out a different approach and made the images quite dark, as well as keeping them looking delicate i think on some of the images i produced it took away from the flowers and focused more on the barrel i had used to place them on, but then with the image i have chosen i went for a clear glass vase so you could see the colours coming through i think this worked a lot better. I used Photoshop afterwards to add in some highlights on the flowers and also used the dodge tool to add in some light to the glass vase.
I used Maya as a model for my low lighting shoot, however i think these images came of to strong for using a female model i think it is a very masculine light source. It's supposed to create an intimidating, bold photography however Maya is still looking pretty and feminine  Although i am very happy with the shot i have taken, and like the picture overall if i was to do this again, i would defiantly make these changes in which to use a male model and maybe add some more props such as hats and a blazer to create a real masculine scene.
To create my commercial photography i though long and hard about what type of style i wanted to create, i wanted to do something different and inventive. So i dug out some old dolls house furniture i thought i'd try recreate a home scene so it was something everyone could relate to. The meaning behind it was being female we all make a mess when doing out nails and its usually all over something we wish it wasn't! so i tried to recreate this by poring the nail varnish and placing it across the table. I then added some final little details by adding in the cup and saucer.
I decided to use a pocket watch iv'e owed for a while for my jewelry photography, It has a lot of detail on the surface and itself and chain are a gold bronze type colour. I thought about what type of textures to add to the foreground to make it strand out as well as to bring it out. I decided on using a metal iron to wrap the chain around and balanced it across some rocks. I took a lot of frames on this one, as i found it very difficult to not get a lot of glare on the watch i used pieces of card with tinfoil wrapped around them to try reflect the light away and i also tried using a reflector. In the end i was happy with the shot i took, but i then decided to edit it using lightroom, this is also a learning curve for me as lightroom is a new program in which i am using so i did some experimenting and came out with my final image. I really like the effect it has created across the image and think it really brings out all the different colours.

Overall i really enjoyed the studio photography assignment  and would love to do it again to see how much i have improved. I feel that some of my images are more stronger then others, but the five i have chosen i am proud of taking i think looking back on some of my older images i can see an improvement as well as areas to improve on. I think for the next assignment i will really work on shadows and iv'e found i have bits of glare i would rather get rid of in a few of my photographs so this is defiantly an area i can work on in my future work.

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