Friday 15 February 2013

Final 5 Images For The Studio Photography Project/ Final Portrait And Still Life Image

Final 5 Images For The Studio Photography Project/ Evaluation

These are my final 5 images for the studio photography project, I feel as though these are my most successful shots and the ones in which i am most proud of.

Glass Photography 

One: Glass 

I think this was the best shot i created within the studio glass photography task. To create this i placed the glass piece in the centre with lighting from either side, one slightly more forward and one slightly more behind as you can see from the diagram below. I shot this image using my Canon 500D using different pieces of card to create the shadows and bring out the bright tones in the glass ornament.

Flower Photography 

Two: Flowers
 To create this photography, I used a black back drop and two light sources one soft box and one dim spot light. I wanted to keep the delicate looking effect whilst making the image quite dark and powerful. I think i created this quite well the flowers all still look delicate and pretty but then the dark tones work well in the leaves and inner of the flowers. I chose to photography these types of flowers because i thought the white would create a good contrast with the pink, and the green colour in the leaves would bring them both together. I chose to keep the broken flower drooping down as i think this works well with the dark lighting showing that the flowers at the top of the image are very bright/alive and well where as towards the bottom the water is murky and the flowers are dying and the leaves are more dim and fragile.

Low lighting Photography

Three: Low lighting
If i was to take these images again i think i would use a male model due to i think low lighting is mainly used to create an intimidating/ Masculine effect, and even though i really like this image i think it still looks to feminine and pretty. To create this we used black backdrops around all sides to enclose the model in, we had one light source coming though the gap of the two backdrops to create the highlights on the face.  The image below is an example of this set up.

Commercial Photography 


This image was taking using one light source, flash and a reflector. I decided to create this one as i thought it was something slightly different then i had previously done. I wanted to create a homely scene, something people can relate to therefore selling a product. I edited this using photoshop CS3, i wanted to keep all the colours quite bold and strong but the varnish to be the brightest more prominent colour. If i were to do this again, I think i would try some new angles and to get rid of the reflection on the top of the glass bottle.

Jewelry Photography 

I thought it was quite challenging doing the jewelry shoot, trying to capture the different textures within each item as well as keeping the necklace the main focus and subject in the image. I edited this using lightroom I like the effect and different colours within this image. I think it may be slightly over exposed in some areas however i don't think it makes to much of a difference to the overall image.

Final Portrait:

 This is my final Portrait shot, I decided to go with black and white and edit the contrasts and hue/saturation. I also added highlights into the hair and on the t-shirt as they started to blend in with the backgrounds around them. I decided to go with darker tones as with the clothing is already dark i feel this worked better. I used a light source from the right side as i wanted to just highlight one side and create a darker effect over to the left side.

Still life:

Still Life

I recently purchased this Halina 300 film camera and i thought it would be the perfect subject for my still life. I decided to use objects which were quite close to the heart in this image, such as photography, pictures and a charm bracelet passed down to me through family members, I wanted to try capture a meaning within this picture, a piece of me.I used one lighting source coming in from the right and my on camera flash. I think there is slightly to much glare on the camera lens however i don't think that it effects the image to much overall.


  1. A good blog Emma, but unless my maths is out there are only three images not five :) These are a good choice and they show three very distinctive styles of lighting. I agree with your comments about the low key, it is not really a feminine style.

    You demonstrate here that you can control lighting and that you have a accurate exposure method.

  2. I must say, I thought this was a pretty interesting read when it comes to this topic. Liked the material. . . . .
    muslin studio backdrops
