Friday 14 December 2012

Studio Photography- Flowers

Studio Photography- Flowers

This has been my favourite part of studio photography yet, maybe not interesting to some but i love photographing flowers/tree's and nature so i was really looking forward to doing this. I wanted to capture different aspects where as not just showing flowers to be delicate and pretty but to show them using darker lights and tones to make them more pronounce. To do this i used quite low lighting and shot from below, I put them in a rusty brown coloured tin vase i think it created a really nice effect and indeed just as pretty as the high lightning shots of the flowers just captures in two different ways. I also used numerous coloured different gels to have a go at them as well, i didn't find they reflected in my pictures as well as they should have so this will be something for me to work on in the future lessons.

Studio photography- Low and High Lighting

Studio Photography- Low and High Lighting

High lighting

I think this type of style is great for your basic shots, i think it makes features stand out well and makes everything look delicate but strong. I think its very complimentary towards the models and shows of all their strong features.

Low Lighting

I really like the effect low lighting has to images, i would like to use this in one of my future projects i think it creates such a bold statement as well as creating a beautiful type of image.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Studio Photography- Texture

Studio Photography- Texture

Macro/ Close Up Photography

Macro/ Close Up Photography

Macro Photography- When the size of the subject on the negative or sensor is the life size or larger.

Close up photography- Is used in filmography, TV Production, Still Photography and the Comic Strip.

Here are some of the shots i took using a macro lens: